Friday, April 30, 2010

repeat here

With T minus 3 months to the big 3-0 I've been asked a lot of the same questions. What am I going to do to celebrate? Do I feel old? Am I going to start lying about my age? Is it all downhill from here? My answers: I'm not sure... Italy, Greece? :) Nope, I really still feel like a kid trying to figure out what to do with my life. Yeah right, people don't believe me when I tell them how old I am, so why lie? I'm turning 30, not 40. Ask me in 10 years ;)

So reading my friend's recent blog post only confirmed my belief that I'm still young and have plenty of life to live. Thanks Kim (and Jodi)... Cyndi really knows what she's talking about. So here's the re-post of the re-post.........

"....It was during a dramatic scene of Celebrity Apprentice that Cyndi revealed that nothing happened for her until she was 30. She said, 'Sometimes life begins AFTER you're 30.' A quick Wikipedia search confirmed this. Cyndi Lauper was 30 when her breakthrough album was released, resulting in a previously unprecedented (for a female artist) 5 consecutive Top 20 singles. The multi-colored hair, outrageous apparel, tassel bra worn OVER her shirt, her romp with the Goonies and the release of her iconic anthem of "girls having fun" were all done by a woman 30+. Hurrah!! Not that I have aspirations of becoming a pop icon or that it would even be a possibility. If anything, it validates my current behavior and future desires to adventure and experience life and new opportunities. So my friends 30+ or close to it, enjoy this video with the thought in mind that most likely ALL of the women in this video are over 30. So dress up, run wild, dance while cruising the sidewalk, pursue your dreams and be free because I don't think we should ever grow out of wanting to have fun nor actually having it. Middle age .... bring it on!!"

Now don't get too excited, people. I won't be releasing a breakthrough album for my 30th (or ever), but more good things are on the way.

As a quick side note, doesn't this video make you miss the days when MTV actually played music videos and not just trashy reality TV. I know there's MTV2 for the actual music videos, but it's a little ironic that they had to create a second channel for that. Uh, isn't that why MTV was created in the first place?


Tamsyn said...

I love you Mandy!! What more can I say? 30 is not old!! I agree with Cyndi and you and I love the video...what a great song!

BBC said...

30 is fabulous!!! you still have a whole life ahead of you!!!! happy birthday in less than 4 months!

Britt said...

Yay! I'm excited for your birthday! I'm hoping you'll be spending it in the Pacific Northwest. or at least celebrating before or after!

Nancy said...

Life is just beginning Mandy---keep doing the great things that you are!!