Tuesday, September 30, 2008

low-class confession

Now I know this may not be the classiest of confessions... but I think I'm okay with that... I must admit that I love Big Lots... It's kind of a guilty pleasure that I know I can trace back to my grandma. When we were little and visiting my grandparents in Arizona, my grandma would always give us "mad money". We could use this "mad money" on anything we wanted.... as we got older it was for gas money, or cab fare if a date was a dud, or a little splurge when shopping. So when we were young, my grandma would take us to Big Lots (then Pic'N'Save) where we would buy a new little purse or cool markers that had an "invisible pen" for writing secret messages. I'm sure my dad loved it when we'd return with even more stuff to fit in our suitcases for the trip home.
Not that I would recommend Big Lots for food items or cosmetic-type purchases - I'm not really sure how the expiration dates work out - but it is great for party accessories, dish towels, some kitchen gadgets, etc.
On a classier note, I did go to The Gateway yesterday and tempted myself with the idea of purchasing a MacBook.... perhaps it will be my Christmas present.


BBC said...

you should TOTALLY get a macbook! both of our computers are macs and we LOVE them! we haven't had any problems with our macs and i would totally recommend it!!!! do it! you won't regret it!

Britt said...

My favorite Pic-N-Save purchase was a GITANO purse... remember when GITANO was cool... or was it ever cool? Those were some of the best shopping trips I ever took.

Nick said...

Pic'n'Save is the same as Big Lots?? Its funny how perception changes with age. As a kid shopping with Gramma Mervyns and Pic'n'Save seemed like such special occasions...

TPlayer said...

I've been thinking again...since a physical 10 yr reunion seemed rather impossible for all of us, I had an idea to reunite our freshman floor via the internet. As I've been blog stalking I'm realizing it won't be as hard as I thought. I'm going to gather as much contact info from the 1200 floor girls as I can and see what we can do about updating and "spotlighting" a girl every week or so, just to see where everyone has ended up. What are your thoughts?

Derek & Brittany said...

yeah we love big lots too! were even get the buzzbee emails.